
The Eyewear Revolution

In 2013, innovation and creativity came together in an amazing way, giving rise to Okkia.

In 2013, innovation and creativity came together in an amazing way, giving rise to Okkia. Okkia was created through the union of a well-known representation agency and a top retailer in the gift & design industry. Its purpose is to make beautiful things more affordable by combining design and good value. Okkia changed the idea of "eyewear" into an experience of elegance and comfort with a line of eyewear that was motivated by locations, trips, and people's dreams.

A Design Made for Everyone 

The key to Okkia's success is its ability to create eyewear that fits a variety of faces while providing unmatched comfort by utilizing soft-touch materials. In order to shatter prejudices and make creativity accessible to everyone, the company bases its philosophy on the idea of accessible beauty. Eyewear by Okkia incorporates a mix of colors and shapes that anyone may use to express their individuality.

Okkia is the idea of Alfonso, Massimo, Nunzia, and Alessio. The company's strategy reflects their sincerity and irreverence. They strive to express their contagious love for creativity and spontaneity through their eyewear collections. Their goal, which is shown in the minute intricacies and technological advancements seen in each item, is to create models that make each individual feel special and distinct.

Relationship with Retailers 

The strengthening of Okkia's ties with a vast network of shops, both in Italy and abroad, has been one of the main pillars of its growth journey. Okkia has been able to broaden its reach and connect with a global audience thanks to this strategic relationship. The company has been able to connect with a wide range of people from all countries and backgrounds because of its physical shop presence, which has allowed customers to experience the distinctiveness of Okkia eyewear firsthand.

Online Success 

Having recognized the value of internet shopping, Okkia unveiled its own website in 2021. The launch of the website marked a crucial turning point in the brand's digital market expansion strategy. The company has distinguished itself since the inception of the website for its capacity to balance service and innovation while providing clients with high-quality goods and cutting-edge design. Moonwalks helped Okkia update its website and launch a new marketing initiative in 2023. This risky move unlocked a world of online potential. Okkia's ability to reach an even larger audience and offer a unique and practical shopping experience was made possible by the digital transition. Okkia has proven it can change to meet the demands of the digital world without losing sight of its particular personality through the use of new technology tools and a total storefront redesign.

The outcome of this transformation has been astounding: Okkia observed a quadrupling of revenue compared to prior levels just four months after rebranding with Moonwalks. The brand's power and resonance in the digital market are attested to by this astounding increase. The product's vibrant and distinctive look combined with the ease and accessibility of online shopping to form a potent marketing strategy that drew in a wide range of consumers.